The Crooners

What is your hometown?

Syracuse NY, Norwalk CT, New Jersey

What is your current location?

New Bedford MA, Brooklyn NY, Nashville TN

Who are your favorite musical artists?

Frank Sinatra, Billie Holiday, Sarah Vaughn, Tony Bennett

What is your go to karaoke song?

Come Fly With Me, At Last

What is an interesting fun fact about you?

We have known each other for over 20 years and our favorite drummer is one of our husbands.


The Crooners is the brainchild of songwriter and saxophonist, Bryan Steele, who put the project together knowing that he just had to have the two best jazz singers he knew. Jim Mola (Brooklyn NY) and Britt Savage (Nashville TN) are seasoned pros who between them have notched a world of credits in both live performances and TV/Film. The result is an album with soul and sultriness that feels like you stepped right back into the 1960s.