

What is your hometown?

Home town Trinidad/ New York

What is your current location?

Current location Los Angeles

Who are your favorite composers/ producers?

Omito Mantra Raw Smoove Roy Chase BeatsByChe x Smoke

What is an interesting fun fact about you?

I love to cook!

Talent, character, and charisma are all essential elements that got Trinidadian born artist Arisq, also known as Ricardo Ramsewak where he is today. From birth, his passion for music have afforded him extraordinary opportunities such as his talent for creating art, drawing people in and making them fans. His passion and positivity is infectious, and his spirit is magnetic. He's got star qualities and the music to match, and as his fans grow and are exposed to his music, they will all agree that his talent is undeniable. His father, “Richard" was a great influence for the younger Arisq and whom ambitiously exposed him to a diverse caliber of music and sounds.

Arisq is committed to creating work that is uniquely his own. He strives for originality within all his recordings. He continuously strives to produce musical works that is of the highest standard and as exhibited through his performances and projects.